This week was a really good one. To start it off we went laser
tagging which has become one of my favorite fun things to do as a missionary.
It’s so much fun! A lot of good things happened this week. We are still working
hard and trying to find new investigators! It was a rainy week this week and
poles are like cats in the rain.. They disappear. But we are going to find the
prepared! Speaking of the prepared. Marcin got BAPTIZED THIS WEEK. It was one
of the most beautiful days of my mission. He was baptized at a lake!! JUST LIKE
JESUS (sort of)!
I gave the talk on baptism. I was nervous about it but it went
really well. Marcin's parents were able to be there, and I got to talk to his
mom like the whole time. We talked about my life and the church and we are
pretty much best friends now Marcin’s baptism was beautiful I loved it so much.
It’s so amazing to witness someone change their life like that.
I just love my mission so much. Sometimes I wonder if people think
I’m crazy or faking my love for my mission, but Sister Petherbridge and I are
having the best time of our lives. I’ve never appreciated time so much before.
This last transfer is going really fast and it’s scary, but we just appreciate
everyday so much. It seems the struggle with finding people, getting rejected
and normal things that are hard sometimes doing missionary work seem to be a
little easier because we are happy to be working together. I want to use every
day, love everyday and enjoy this time I have as a missionary because it has
went by so fast. Studying is still my favorite part of the day. THE GOSPEL IS
SO TRUE! I love learning more about it. There isn’t much to talk about this
week. My district is amazing and we had a dance party this week. I’m glad I am
ending my mission with such great friends! I feel like everything I have is a
gift from Heavenly Father and I’m just so happy!
Check out the pictures, I have one of me giving the talk on baptism right at the lake for Marcin's baptism!
Siostra Pearson
Marcin getting baptized in the lake |
Klaudia, me & Sister Petherbridge |
The gathering at the lake for the baptism |
Klaudia & me |
Me, Marcin & Sister Petherbridge |
Me speaking at the baptism |
Elder Hon, Marcin and Elder Allen |