I had a really awesome week!
Well it’s 2 weeks left now. I think it’s starting to become more
real; but I’m mostly still in denial. I kind of had a mental breakdown
yesterday but I cried it out on the streets when we were at a white board and
then I was fine!! Sometimes it’s overwhelming, but after I talked it all out I
felt fine! Sometimes it’s scary because this has just become my life. But I
know that there is so much more I need to learn and I can’t do all of that here
on the mission. I have to come home, progress and learn more. I really want to
do that! I know Heavenly Father is taking care of everything and I feel very
happy and at peace all the time. I just love my mission!
This week we were really busy! We had lots of meetings with 3 recent
converts this week! My favs! Danka, Klaudia, and Anna! It is so fun and
beautiful to work with these wonderful YSA women. To be friends and strengthen
them in the gospel! It was really amazing. Danka decided to go to the YSA
conference!! I am so happy!
It’s my last week here so I won’t get to see her as much but I am so
so so happy for her! It’s exactly what she needs! We also had the opportunity
to meet with a family here. He is from England and she is Polish. We are doing
a new thing where we meet with members to teach them the lessons and help them
know how to do missionary work. We met with them and taught them the
restoration and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever done!! Just
teaching the gospel to a family and seeing how much it has changed their
lives!! It was so beautiful!! We worked a ton with members this week. Guess
what!! Marta came to church! It was so good! She was really nervous but I think
she liked it a lot. It was testimony meeting and I translated for her. I talked
to her a little after and she seemed to really like it! We talked to her a lot
this past week about her concerns and questions she is really prepared and it’s
amazing to be able to teach her!
We also had culture night this week!!! IT WAS THE BEST CULTURE NIGHT
OF MY MISSION!! We decided to actually do something cultural! So we went to a Milkbar
and ate some really good polish food. Then we went and rented bikes!! We rode
all over Kraków it was so fun! It started raining a little and then a little
more. We saw the castle and the hills and we went through the city center and
by the river it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! Then it started
to rain a lot,.. We were soaked! Or so we thought! Then we went to a park and
decided to head back to the center of Kraków again. It started raining like
crazy!! There was a huge storm and a flash flood it was a monsoon!!!!!! I felt
like we were in the jungle! I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants! We
just kept riding through it all in a cute little line and we were all laughing
and completely soaked head to toe!! It was the best adventure of my life!! I don’t
know if I’ve ever felt so alive! I couldn't have asked for a better last
culture night!
pretty much sums up my week! I also finished the Book of Mormon and the New
Testament this week!! It was beautiful. It was really amazing to see how much
they strengthened my testimony in Christ! I love the scriptures so much and I’m
really excited to start them again!
Siostra Pearson
All ready to go! The Before shot! |
The After Shot! |