I love my mission. I feel very happy and at peace this transfer. I’m
still super motivated and I’m working just as hard but I have more faith in
Christ now and His work. I’m consistently happy, not just when things are going
good with the work because I’m not going to lie I would love to have some
investigators to teach and baptize!! But I just enjoy ALL the work now not just
parts and I’m much happier this way!
So Kraków has been amazing! I just love it here. Sister Swenson and I
just oh man.. We have a blast and we work so well together I love it! There’s
so much that has happened I don’t even know where to begin! So I’m going to
give you just a low down on one day.. Thursday. It was amazing day! We had a
meeting with Przemek. He’s the man who lived in Calgary for 6 months and it was
so awesome we made some soup and practiced English. After, we talked about the
gospel, life and happiness and we gave him a Book of Mormon that we wrote our
testimonies in and he loved it! So we should be meeting again to pass him off
to the Elders this week. Then after that we went with the Elders to this park
and we did a free table with a white board display and it was AWESOME! All of
us were just talking to people the whole time! Sister Swenson and I met and
taught a young women named Kasia. She was so interested she asked a ton of questions
and was so cool! Then this other girl came Agnieszka and I talked to her for a
while about the Book of Mormon, why we are here and invited her to English
class she said she would like to meet as well! Then the best thing of my life, most
of the missionaries were teaching someone and these 2 kids ride by on
skateboards so I say hi and you could just tell they were interested in the
free stuff so they come back and start talking to Elder Brown and me. I loved
them! I don’t know why I just loved them so much! They were 13 and their names
were Ben and Matty. Ben lived in New Jersey so he knew English they were sweet
kids. They talked to us and asked us why we were here in Poland and we talked
about being a missionary and asked them about school and skateboarding and just
talked it was so fun! It was my most favorite contact I’ve had in a long time. We
gave them a restoration pamphlet and a mormon.org card and just talked! They made my
day. After the white board we went and got some ice cream and Sister Swenson
and I headed out to find Piotr's house. Piotr is the guy you sent the package
to years ago and gave me all their information and the letter. Well I’m in
KRAKÓW! So I’m going to find them! We found the house on the map and headed out
and on the way there we passed this really cool fort so we decided to take a
minute and go see it. It was a very interesting building! It was beautiful and
we had this awesome adventure and I have some pictures for you. It was just a
beautiful moment. Then we continued on our journey to find the house and we
found it!! Unfortunately they don’t live there anymore but I’m not giving up! I
feel like I am going to find them!
I have just been having so much fun here. I love Kraków! My favorite
thing has been my studies! I’m reading the Doctrine & Covenants, the Book
of Mormon and the New Testament all at once. It is so amazing!! I’m getting so
much out of my studies! It’s like boom missionary work and revelation in the
Doctrine & Covenants and then I learn all about the Savior and how to be
more like him in the New Testament and the Book of Mormon.. I just get
everything I can from it I love it so much!!! There’s just not enough time in
the day!!! An hour to study is not enough! It’s like there’s always something I
need to be doing. Journal, letters, working out stories with my companion,
eating and now I’m going to have to take some time and study more throughout
the day on meals or at night. I know the Lord will help me fit it all in :) My
studies have been really good lately though. I think focusing on charity is the
coolest and because I have decided that it’s something that I want to develop
and learn more about I am noticing it a lot more in the scriptures and just
seeing more opportunities for it in my everyday and its just amazing! I love it
so much!!!
Zone conference is tomorrow and it’s in KATO!! It’ll be my first
time back since I left and I am so excited!! I talked to Adrian and we are
going to see him so excited!! And Sister Stratton will be there!! It’s going to
be the best zone conference ever! I can’t wait to tell you all about it next
week! So pretty much life is just amazing. I just feel so blessed and happy. My
life is just so good!!!
Siostra Pearson
Elders Brown & Salmrash, Sister Swenson and me |
at the park, our first picture |
The cool fort we found |
The Rynek |
Elder Brown and I talking to the cool boys |
Just finished with contacting |
The Elders after the water fight |
Found Canada Dry! |
Sister Swenson and I celebrating Amber's Birthday |
Us after the water fight (Polish tradition last Monday) |
The Rynek |
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